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How to Plan and Design a Commercial Playground icon

How to Plan and Design a Commercial Playground

Planning and designing a commercial playground might sound intimidating, but it can actually be done quite easily by following a few simple steps. When you work with Cunningham Recreation, you’ll have our professional designers, artists and engineers on your team.

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5 Cost-Saving Ideas for Your Apartment Complex Playground icon

5 Cost-Saving Ideas for Your Apartment Complex Playground

Parks & Rec

Apartments provide a safe and affordable place for young families to live. While apartment living comes with many benefits, one of the main drawbacks is lacking a backyard. By providing a playground in your apartment complex, you can solve this challenge for families and make them feel at home!

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Why Outdoor Fitness Equipment is Such a Growing Trend icon

Why Outdoor Fitness Equipment is Such a Growing Trend

Outdoor FitnessHealth & WellnessParks and RecPlayground Designs

Are more communities investing in outdoor fitness equipment? Absolutely! Outdoor fitness parks have been around for years, but their popularity has increased significantly in recent years due to the rising rates of obesity and the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Designing a Safe Preschool Playground icon

Designing a Safe Preschool Playground

Parks & Rec

When designing a preschool playground, it’s important that it’s just as safe as it is fun. Preschool-age children are still developing their gross motor skills, and many are still unsteady on their feet. Therefore, you’ll have to think about how 3- and 4-year-olds can get much-needed exercise and use their imaginations without getting hurt.

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How to Effectively Plan and Design a Dog Park icon

How to Effectively Plan and Design a Dog Park

Dog Parks

There are so many benefits to having a dog park in your community! Dog parks provide a safe and secure place for dogs to run around and socialize, and they unite pet lovers in the community.

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