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Community Collaboration: Involving Local Artists and Residents in Crafting Unique Playground Entryways


Creating a welcoming and vibrant playground is a fantastic way to foster community spirit and engagement. One innovative approach is to involve local artists and residents in the design and crafting of your unique playground entryway. This collaborative effort not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the playground but also strengthens community bonds and provides a sense of ownership among residents.

Let’s look at how community collaboration can be successfully implemented in crafting a unique playground entryway, such as this masterpiece from Georgetown, TX.

Benefits of Community Collaboration

Local artists bring diverse creative perspectives, resulting in entryways that are visually stunning, unique and culturally rich. Custom-designed entryways are sure to stand out, making the playground a landmark in the community for both residents and visitors.

Involving residents in the design process also fosters a sense of pride and ownership, encouraging people to take better care of the playground. Not to mention, collaborative projects such as these bring people together, creating shared experiences and stronger community connections. Plus, residents have the opportunity to contribute their time and skills to the community, while also ensuring that the diverse needs of residents are met.

Steps to Involve Local Artists and Residents

There are a number of steps involved in creating a unique playground entryway:

Step 1. Planning and Organization

The first step is to form a committee. Invite local artists, community leaders and residents to oversee the project. Clearly define the goals and objectives of the project, such as enhancing aesthetic appeal, promoting community engagement and celebrating local culture.

Step 2. Engage the Community

To get people on board with the project, hold public meetings for residents who want to attend. Use this time to gather input from residents about their vision for the playground entryway. For those who can’t attend, distribute surveys to collect ideas and preferences. This ensures that you are getting a broad overview of what people in the community want.

Step 3. Involve Local Artists

Issue a call for local artists to submit their portfolios and ideas for the playground entryway design. Organize a selection process, involving community members, to choose the artists whose designs best reflect the community’s vision and values.

Step 4: Collaborative Design Workshops

Host design workshops where artists and residents can collaborate on brainstorming and sketching ideas. Ensure that residents’ feedback is incorporated into the final designs, fostering a sense of inclusivity and representation. Communication is also crucial, so be sure to update residents on how the project is going, as well as show them rough sketches of what the design will look like.

Step 5. Implementation

Work with local suppliers to source materials sustainably and affordably or enlist help from a playground installation company that has a variety of materials and equipment on hand. To keep costs down, request help from volunteers, such as residents in the community, local youth groups, teenagers looking for service hours or local businesses. Be sure to provide supervision and support to ensure the construction process is safe.

Step 6. Celebration and Unveiling

To launch the event, organize a community event to unveil the new entryway, celebrating the collaborative effort and the completed project. This is a great opportunity to recognize the contributions of artists and volunteers, highlighting their roles in creating the unique entryway.


Involving local artists and residents in crafting unique playground entryways is a powerful way to enhance community engagement, foster creativity and build a sense of pride and ownership. By following a structured approach to collaboration, communities can create beautiful, meaningful entryways that reflect their unique identities and values. To discuss your vision for a new entryway for your park or playground, contact Cunningham Recreation today.