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Wilson Elementary Named National Demonstration Site for PlayOn!



Wilson Elementary School located in Hays, Kansas was named as a PlayCore/GameTime National Demonstration Site for PlayOn! The elementary school playground is based on the PlayOn! best-practice research designed to promote physical activity for students. PlayOn! is a curriculum developed by SHAPE America and PlayCore, that aligns with national standards for physical education and provides teachers and coaches with 125 fun physical activities for the playground. The program provides opportunities to bring the physical education classroom outdoors to experience creative ways for students to be active and achieve healthier lifestyles.

The new playground was funded by the Dane G. Hansen Foundation, the Home and School organization as well as Wilson’s After School program. The school district paid for the surfacing and concrete work out of its capital outlay budget. Wilson Elementary and the community worked hard to raise the funds needed to purchase the new play equipment. The old playground was past its warranty, and some of the plastic components were becoming very brittle and cracked. It was becoming a safety concern.

The students are enjoying the new playground and very thankful for the outpouring of community support.