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Inclusive Playground Design Ideas for Your Public Park


Public parks are essential gathering spaces that bring communities together, and designing an inclusive playground within these parks is a great way to ensure that everyone feels welcome and can fully participate in playtime.

Inclusive playgrounds go beyond just meeting the basic accessibility requirements. They are designed to accommodate individuals of all ages and abilities, fostering an environment where children and adults can play side by side.

Let’s discuss some creative and practical design ideas to help you create an inclusive playground that your community will love!

Accessible Pathways and Surfacing

Inclusive Playground Overhead View with Surrounding Pathway

The first step in creating an inclusive playground is ensuring that it’s easily accessible to everyone. Incorporate smooth pathways with gentle slopes, wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs, strollers and mobility aids.

Also choose surfacing materials like rubber tiles or poured-in-place rubber to create a seamless surface that is safe for all users. This type of surfacing also provides a cushioned fall zone, reducing the risk of injuries during play.

Multi-Level Play Structures

Multi-level play structures offer various entry points, allowing children of all abilities to access different play elements. Be sure to incorporate ramps and transfer platforms to allow wheelchair users to reach higher platforms easily. The play structures should also feature contrasting colors and textures to aid visually impaired users in navigation.

Sensory Play Elements

Sensory play elements appeal to children with various sensory needs, including those with autism spectrum disorder or sensory processing challenges. Install features like musical instruments, textured panels and interactive elements that engage multiple senses, promoting sensory exploration and stimulation.

Inclusive Swings and Seating

Traditional swings can be difficult for some children. Consider installing inclusive swings, such as adaptive swing seats with harnesses for additional support, and swings with high backs for children who require more upper body support. Additionally, incorporate accessible seating throughout the playground so that caregivers have a place to rest.

Social and Quiet Areas

Designate spaces for socializing and quiet relaxation within the playground. Some children may prefer quieter play or need a break from the sensory stimulation. Including quiet nooks, shaded seating areas and nature-inspired elements can create spaces for calm and reflection.

Engage the Community

Involve the community in the design process. Gather feedback through surveys, community meetings or workshops to understand their unique needs and preferences. Engaging the community fosters a sense of ownership and ensures that the final design truly meets the diverse requirements of the park's users.

Playing and Growing Together with Inclusive Playground Equipment

Children Playing on Accessible Playground Structure

Creating an inclusive playground is an excellent way to foster a sense of belonging within your public park. By incorporating accessible pathways, multi-level play structures, adaptive equipment and more, you can design a playground that accommodates individuals of all ages and abilities.

Cunningham Recreation has a great selection of inclusive equipment to meet the needs of all park-goers. Get in touch with our playground experts to discuss the potential options for your inclusive playground.